This is an unusual die clash found on a broad struck 2001 Lincoln cent that shows clashed elements not normally seen.
The overlay provided shows the relative position of the obverse and reverse dies when they did meet. It is unknown if the malfunction that caused the broad strike was related to the die clash.
This coin is courtesy of Fred Weinberg.
Interestingly enough a 2001 Lincoln cent with the same errors, a broad strike and strong die clash, recently sold on E-bay for $51.00.
The picture below shows the clash marks left by bays 10 and 11, plus the base line of the Memorial building.
This picture to the left shows the clash marks left by bays 1, 2 and 3, plus the base line.
The picture of the reverse shows elements of Lincoln’s jacket and vest clashed into the motto EPU.
The picture below shows Lincoln’s eye, the back of the eye and part of the ear with an outline of the bust. The ear and eye socket are not normally seen in die clashes of this nature.