ADC-1c-1960D(SD)-04 stages”A”, “B”, “C” and “D”
This is a series of clash and stage events that have taken place on a 1960D small date Lincoln cent.
Stage “A”
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The first stage labeled “A” has an absence of clash marks on the obverse die. While there are some abrasion marks that are normally associated with clash mark removal, the abrasion marks are not strong enough to indicate that they are the result of the removal of the die clashes from the reverse die.
It is more than possible that the obverse die was not the mated die to the reverse die when the first clash events occurred.
Stage “A” shows three separate clash events. The bottom of Lincoln’s bust can be seen clashed into the word STATES and the ED of UNITED.
The lower back of Lincoln’s bust can be seen clashed into the E of UNITED.
The mintmark was clashed into the bottom of the M in AMERICA.
The last clash event left the line from the top of Lincoln’s head clashed through the NE of ONE and the CE of CENT. Which event took place first or occurred last is impossible to determine at this point.
The black arrows point to a die chip in the letter E of ONE and a continuous die crack starting with the letter C in cent and passing through the E and ending in the letter N of CENT.
Stage “B”
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Stage “B” is the same as Stage “A”. The only difference is that a die scratch is now seen from the top of the E in LIBERTY and the die break in the lower part of the R in LIBERTY. A die chip has developed in the upper part of the O in ONE. The die scratch from the left side of the 6 digit down to the mintmark still remains.
Stage “C”
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Stage “C” shows the first indications of clash marks on the obverse die. The picture to the above left shows the line from the bottom of the letters AME of AMERICA, clashed through the mint mark. The die chip in the R of LIBERTY is still present. However, the die scratch above the E of LIBERTY has faded.
Notice that the clash line through the word STATES has become thicker, indicating that this area was subjected to more than one clash event. The overlay shows the relative position of the dies when they did clash.
The picture above shows the clash mark left by the E of UNITED
The clash mark from the mintmark remains.
The die chip on the E of ONE has developed a die crack. The die crack on the CEN of CENT is still present. The S in PLURIBUS has developed a die chip.
Stage “D”
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While the obverse clash marks remain in Stage “D”, the reverse die has been changed.
The reverse die is now absent of clash marks.
The transition from Stage “A” to Stage “D” entails numerous die marker changes and at least five clash events. If the obverse die that was before Stage “A” can be found, a new chapter to this story will be added. There was one identifying die marker that was seen throughout all the stages and this die marker helped to tie this all together. That die marker is pictured below in the four different stages.
Stage “A” Stage “B”
Stage “C” Stage “D”